October 8, 2008

Give Me Something To Vote About!

Did anyone watch the Debate last night? I have to say I was pretty disappointed. I feel like I haven't heard anything new from either candidate in a while. All we keep hearing about is the economy, the war, health care, and energy. I mean (duh) those are the big topics right now, and of course they are huge issues, but I feel like last night's debate had nothing new to offer except reiterate everything said in the first one. It's all becoming very predictable. I was thinking this morning of what questions I would ask if I had been at the "Town Hall" debate last night. Here's one: "How do you feel about the fact that for the past 7 years we have been sacrificing our lives and money working towards rebuilding another country, while our own has been falling apart??" I really wish someone would have asked that.

On another note, I'm sick. I have been fighting off a cold for about the past 3 weeks, and I finally got it. Jose is off tonight and I'm very glad he will be home to take care of me. I can't wait to have some hot chicken soup and theraflu. Mmmmm.. Making me feel better already :) XOXO,


Holly said...

I heard McCain referred to Obama as "that one" really condescendingly...

hope your sweetie heals you back to health!

Leslie said...

Great post Nicole. I wish you were at that "Town Hall" debate too. That question needed to be asked.

Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. But glad to hear that Jose will be there to take care of you.

Get better soon.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. If only they'd been asked your question, I would have loved to hear their response!

Hope you're feeling better! Lemon tea with honey helps!

Unknown said...

I have to agree with you on this one. I am really into politics, but wasn't feeling the last debate at all. Zzzzzzz

Unknown said...

oh yea ... I hope you're feeling better. =(