May 30, 2008


I'm going to see the Sex and the City movie tonight, and I CAN'T WAIT!!!! I've already got my ticket, and I'm so sure I'm going to love it, I've even got a ticket for tomorrow night too! Haha... Tonight I'm going with Holly, Heather and Ashley, and tomorrow it's Jenn, and hopefully Cyndi, and whoever else Jenn has invited... Anyways, just wanted to share my excitement :)

So this is a pretty big weekend for me... SATC times 2, and Kick Off is tomorrow morning... I managed to get everything done, which was great. I wrote my mentor bio, called all of my mentees, and on Wednesday night, Joanna and Sharon (my fellow walk mentors) came over and we made gift bags for all of our mentees. So, I am officially ready for Kick Off... I'm excited. Pretty soon we'll be getting down to business and training!

Yesterday Jose, my parents, and I went for a tasting at the Berkeley City Club, to decide what we are going to serve at the wedding... The food was soo good! We decided on some really good pasta with pesto basil sauce, and chicken with this amazing lemon herb chicken. I also ordered a bunch of stuff online for the wedding this week, so I should be getting it soon!!! :)


May 27, 2008

Numero Uno!

Wow, my very own blog, boy do I feel special! Hahaha.... Anyways, I'm assuming most of the people reading this already know me, and know about my life, friends, family, etc, so I won't bore you with introductions. No no, instead I will just jump right on into what is going on with me, and what is on my mind:

I cannot believe it is the end of May. I'm excited, because I have so much fun stuff coming up this summer, but soo stressed and nervous, because that means I have a lot of work to do before that fun stuff gets here... and all seems to be approaching rapidly. Lets see... This week, I have to get ready for Team in Training Kick Off, which entails calling my mentees, creating a mentor bio, starting to fundraise, make gift bags for my mentees, get pumped up and excited for the season to start, and getting up at 6:30am on Saturday and actually GO to Kick Off..... Oh, and lets not forget about my wedding...

I think I am finally realizing why people thought I was so crazy for joining Team in Training, and becoming a mentor, the same summer that I'm getting married. I just made a list of all the stuff there is to do between now and August 16th, and it is A LOT. I mean, most of it is just stuff that I need to buy, and I would just buy everything now, like TODAY, but everything is so darn expensive! I mean, why does a cardboard box that your gift cards are going to go in cost $18??? But what can I say, it's cute, and frankly by the time I get the materials to make one myself, I will have spent about that much anyway...

Ugh.. I just have too much on my mind this week. I think my sleepless nights and work-less work days are about to begin. Last night I couldn't fall asleep, and laid in bed for over an hour with thoughts and ideas of everything I need to do racing through my head. Today I'm at work, and it's 4:10, and I've successfully accomplished ONE task today because I just cannot seem to focus. Oh well, only 3 more work days to go this week, and at least I get to see the Sex And The City movie numerous times this weekend (which will probably prompt me to think about the wedding even MORE, but what the hell... ) :)
