October 28, 2008

Catching Up

So I haven't posted in almost a week, and there are a couple of things since then that I've been meaning to blog about, but have been too lazy to do so. So here they are. Enjoy :)
Pumpkin Carving
Last Wednesday Jose had the night off, and we decided it was the perfect opportunity to carve up some pumpkins :) Mine was a pirate ship, and although I cheated a little and used one of those "stencil" things, it was still pretty damn hard! It came out pretty good though, and I was pleased with it. Jose's pumpkin was a sad face. It's "haunted" because it's Halloween. My husband is seriously so cute sometimes I just can't stand it :)
Of course the pumpkins have since become moldy and we had to through them away, but they were a fun activity to say the least... And as always, provided us with some delicious seeds to roast! YUM!!
Bowling Night with the Gals
On Thursday Heather, Holly, Ashley and I took to the Danville Bowl for a night of (almost) good clean fun. We hadn't all hung out in a while so it was great to get together and catch up, while enjoying a few games of bowling and of course some beers. We are thinking of joining a bowling league... Our team name is "Bitches for Balls". You like?? Hahaha... We even made up our own little team "symbol", but I'm not sure how to describe it over blogger :P Perhaps there will be a picture at a later date. At any rate, it was a really fun night as always.
And now I'm off to bed to read some of the 3rd book in the Twilight Saga (which I am loving so far), and then to sleep. Have a great night!! :)

1 comment:

Holly said...

Bitches for Balls!! I need to make the shirts! That pirate ship is wicked.