March 6, 2009

The Toy That Would Not Die

Above is a picture of my cats' favorite toy. It's a cloth fish, and as you can see, it's pretty beat up and literally hanging on by a thread. I don't even remember buying it for them, we must have gotten it when they were babies (almost 5 years, and 3 apartments ago!), and somehow its still around.

Now, it is not my decision to keep holding on to this rag. I have tried to get rid of it before... But every time I throw it in the trash, someone would claw their way through the garbage and bring it back. No joke. The weird thing is, I rarely ever see any of my three cats playing with this fish, but I know they do because it turns up EVERYWHERE. The other morning, I woke up and found it in my bed, under the sheets.... One time I left my house and while I was out I found it IN MY PURSE. Yes, one of my clever kitties had somehow placed their beloved fish in my bag. Nuts.
So I guess this is their version of a security blanket? Or perhaps they are just using it to taunt me? I suppose I will hold on to it, and even fix it when it does finally break apart, just in case :P

1 comment:

Holly said...

in your purse? hahah they were like "take this to the seamstress!!"