March 10, 2009

Didn't know I was a comedian!

This weekend I decided to go down to my parent's house (about an hour away) and spend a day & night there. It was a pretty good time... Sunday night my dad and I had a HUGE bowl of ice cream and watched TV together, just like the good old days :) Yesterday it was just my mom and I, and we hung out around the house, watched my wedding video, and reminisced about when my brothers and I were younger. It's interesting how things come up that you had never talked about before, but that you always had a pre-conceived notion about.

For example: When we were younger (I'd say all the way up until we graduated HS), whenever my mom would get in a fight with one of us (and I think it was mostly me who did this), we would write her a letter about why she mad us mad. These letters were most of the time kind of mean, and looking back now, I have felt really bad about some of the things I wrote to my mother over the years... Turns out, she thought they were hilarious. Here's how yesterday's convo went:

Mom: I found a letter the other day that you had written when you were mad at me.. me and your dad read it, and it was so funny!
Me: Oh GOD! Was it mean? I always felt bad about that!
Mom: No, it was great!...Whenever I made you mad, I would turn to your dad and say "I'm gonna get a note!"... And then you guys would come up and throw it in my lap and run away, and then me and your dad would read them and laaauuugghhhh!
Me (now getting a little peeved that she laughed at us): MOM! That's not very nice!!
Mom: Hahaha, I always pretended like I was mad about it, but usually it was just funny

Thanks a lot, Mom!

1 comment:

Holly said...


i can HEAR debbie saying that!! hahaha. you would throw the note and run away? bwhahahaha