July 3, 2012

Hot Fun In The Summertime

Before I start this post, let me say I am using the Blogger app for iPhone for the first time so let's see how this turns out...

ANYWAY, now that summer is here Joaquin has been spending more and more time at the local park scene. One of our faves is Hap Magee in Alamo. It's walking distance from our house, clean, fun and beautiful. And, they have this really awesome water area (basically glorified sprinklers for the kids to run through). We didn't come prepared to get wet the other day, but of course that didn't stop my little risk taker. He was more than happy to run around in just a (soggy) diaper, and I was more than happy to snap some photos.

1 comment:

Holly said...

he is so cute! l&a really love that park too.