December 29, 2008

The Citaaayyyy

Ummmm yeah so I know its been FOREVER since I have posted a blog, but I just totally got inspired... I was just watching the new show "The City" (spin-off of the Hills, with Whitney Port and takes place in NYC), and I LOVE IT! I was really skeptical because The Hills is like THE #1 guilty pleasure, so I wasn't sure if this new show could compare, and it TOTALLY exceeded my expectations... Maybe its because they are in NYC and I've never been there but always been secretly obsessed (I lived in LA for 3 years so a lot of stuff on the Hills just seems too familiar), but it just seems like such an older show...The "characters" (so far) are more likeable, and Whitney and Jay are totally cute (I really hope he's not cheating on her!)...And the fashion is just next level. Love it. Anyways, just thought I'd share... And now I'm off to watch another guilty pleasure, Momma's Boys :)xoxo,
PS. I'm a little liqueured up right now... Ignore everything I just said :P


Holly said...

my thoughts!
-olivia is ga-ga-gorgeous
-the fashion IS the next level, sooo love it
-whitneys yellow dress on her first day of work was amazing
-i LOVE the opening

ash said...

i missed it :9