March 25, 2011


It's been over a year and a half since I've blogged... I really want to get back into it and start up again, but I don't want to start just to slack off and leave after about 5 posts. But I guess you gotta start somewhere so here we go...

So much has changed since my last post. I was going to write a detailed update about everything, but since I'm pretty sure the only people who read this are people who know me (and thus already know the updates), I think I'll just start from the here and now. And if you don't know the updates, just let me know, I will be happy to fill you in! .... I will say that the main things you need to know right now are: a) I am no longer unemployed, and have a job with a digital jukebox company in SF, b) Jose has been hired by a fire department and will begin his training in a week, and c) After almost a year of trying I became pregnant, and gave birth to our son Joaquin Emiliano on Dec 1st (almost 4 months ago)! :)

So I guess that's it for the moment... Now that I've gotten this initial "I'm back" post out of the way I'm excited to start blogging again, and hopefully I will stick around this time :) So stay tuned!!

♥ ♥ ♥