March 6, 2009

My Fave Time of Day

Being the night owl that I am, I'm always the last one to crawl into bed at night. And I JUST LOVE the feeling when I do, esp when I see this...All my babies... Safe, warm, and so peaceful :)

PS... The other night Timmy and Jose fell asleep together on the couch, and I just couldn't resist snapping a photo. God, what are these little guys gonna do when we have "real" babies??? I can just see the jealous rage now!
PPS... I am aware that Jose is in dire need of a haircut. He was growing it out, at my request, just to see what it would be like. Well, we agree it's time for a chop. Any ideas on a new hairstyle for him????... Also, 2 more new entries below this one, so keep reading! :)


Holly said...

omg your cats are sooo sweet! im so jealous of how you all sleep together!

Leslie said...

Doesn't look like they've left you much room in bed!

Sleeping babies.... nothing cuter!

Jon said...

Hol and I are going to have to get another cat.

BTW: Tell Jose thanks again for his 'netting'!

Heather said...

Has he tried Eric's yet????