October 14, 2008

TAG!... I'm it ♥

Today I was tagged in a blog for the first time, which I was very excited about! Maegan @ ...love Maegan is the tagger, which is awesome, because I love her blog. If you haven't checked it out yet, I highly recommend it :) And now, here are my lists (yes I am doing them both):

7 Random Things

1. As I type this, I am wearing a clay facial mask (sorry, no pics!)... For the first time in at least a few years I am totally breaking out and I am NOT happy about it... Oh well, at least it happened AFTER the wedding!!

2. I have 2 brothers. Now that I'm married, I have 4 more brothers and 3 sisters.

3. My cat Tim loves pepperonis and would eat them directly off the pizza if I let him. Also one time he got a piece of steak out of the packaging, dragged it across the kitchen counter and attempted to eat it. He's a beast, and I loooooove him ;)

4. When I was 19 I studied abroad in London for a semester. It was by far (one of ) the best experiences of my life.

5. My husband talks in his sleep and I think it's hilarious. He usually gets made fun of for it later :P

6. Whenever I see the moon during the day time I think of my Papa. I had once asked him why the moon was out, (eventhough it was still daytime) and he explained to me that the moon is always there, you just can't always see it. Now when I see it I believe it is him saying "Hello Girl!" (in his Nova Scotian accent). I miss him.

7. Once I found a purse in the bathroom at Crogans (local bar), and in a drunken state I took it home with me, thinking I was a badass. But then when I sobered up, I felt bad so I mailed it back to its owner with a note that said "I found this on the street outside of Crogans"....So hopefully I saved myself a trip to hell, at least for now.

Link to your tagger and list the rules
List 7 random facts about yourself
Tag 7 people (and make sure you check back and see what they say!)
If you're tagged, play along and pass it on!

Four Things

Top Four wishes:
*Someone would say "SURPRISE! All of your debt is paid off!"
*Jose and I could get pregnant RIGHT NOW (can you tell I'm getting some baby fever??)
*I could see my 4 besties everyday
*I had a self-cleaning house, and everything was spotless, 24/7

Four Places I want to travel to:
*New York

Four Careers I want to be involved in:
*Wedding Planning
*Animal Rescue

Four things I would like God to say at the gates of Heaven:
*Its so nice to finally meet face to face!
*Yes, it's as good as it sounds
*All of your friends and family who are already here have prepared a party for you!
*Pick 3 times in you life that were the BEST EVER... Now go back and repeat them!

Tagging: Ok, so if I tag you, feel free to do either or both of the above lists that I did. Have fun!! :) Ashley, Heather, Holly, Leslie, My Fashion Frenzy, Dolce Chic



Holly said...

I DIDN'T KNOW #7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

That purse story is hilarious! Great tag!!!